RES Subscriber Agent 9.0
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RES Subscriber Agent 9.0

The RES Subscriber Agent provides basic RES Subscriber functionality
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Real Enterprise Solutions Development B.V.
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Software Informer Virus Free award
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The RES Subscriber Agent can be used in environments where users still work with a local desktop, but integration is needed with a desktop session or with published applications that run on a Terminal Server (ICA or RDP).

The RES Subscriber Agent provides basic RES Subscriber functionality: starting local applications and managing local file type associations from RES PowerFuse. However, instead of providing the user with a menu-like interface like the RES Subscriber, RES Subscriber Agent runs unobtrusively in the computer’s system tray.

An active connection to a RES PowerFuse session that runs on a Terminal Server is indicated by a change in color of the RES Subscriber Agent icon in the system tray. This connection can be either a connection to a desktop session that runs RES PowerFuse or a connection to a published application session that is managed by RES PowerFuse.

The RES Subscriber Agent can be installed on a workstation by using a separate MSI package.



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  • Tray agent